SWGM seeking...
Last week, I met with three people that were appealing to me. I only had a "spark" with one of the guys, but his work schedule (he works in Zurich every 3 weeks) and mine (I have 300 jobs) kind of conflicted.
The other two were cool, one of which I'm going to start playing tennis with regularly because he's fucking amazing.
Anyway... I love to read people's online profiles more than I like to talk to them. I think someone should do a study on them.
Why will people post an image of their penis (erect, flaccid, someone else's entering their mouth and/or ass/both at the same time), their asshole, their chest, etc. but don't post a picture of their face?
Granted I wouldn't show my face if I posted similar pictures. But even if I was going online to hook up, I don't care what kind of body you have or what your penis looks like. If you look like Randy Quaid or Quasimodo, it's just not going to happen.
What does monogomously coupled, but play together mean? If you are in a monogomous relationship, then you don't sleep with other people. It's really quite simple. Of course, monogomously coupled sounds much better than, "we're both big whores."
What's the obsession with age? Most people 30 and over either omit that portion or they just lie. Granted, when I'm in a bar, I say I'm 26. But I have the fake ID to prove it.
Another thing with age. Why do I only get hit on by 18 - 24 year old kids? What could we possibly have in common? I hate MTV, current pop culture and I don't say aight -- and I refuse to spell it (except here). I also don't normally say 'sup or "wha' a happen was."
I'm also not interested in someone 45 and older--yet they flock to me like angry pigeons to Wonder Bread. I don't want to be your son or your daddy.
Now, I've had some awesome conversations with said groups. But honestly, anything more than a plus or minus ten-year age radius is just too much.
Hmmm. what else is annoying? I hate when someone comments that they like something I've posted in my profile (like sports or rock music), yet is very vague when questioned about said subject. I don't care if you don't know that a grand slam is more than a dish at Denny's. Or that Audioslave is a kickass group -- not a line of fetish wear. I just put it up there, in case someone who has similar interests wants to talk about it. Don't lie and say you love Pearl Jam but don't know any of their records besides Ten.
This entry could be really long.... I'll save the rest for later.