Diary of a Sane Man

Sunday, April 17, 2005

It's fun to go back

Last night I went to Steele Indian School Park with some of my Echo cronies to watch "The Women." It's a very funny movie with Rosalind Russell, Joan Crawford, Joan Fontaine and a host of very funny women. It was made in 1939 and suffers from very inappropriate comments and terrible overacting--lots of drama. It's sort of like working at Echo.

Anyway.... they projected the movie on a blow-up screen in the middle of a park. It was a beautiful day--mid 90's and not a cloud in the sky. I laid back on our blanket and just looked at the moon for about 10 minutes.

I felt like a kid again.

How often do we take time out from what we're doing to just relax and enjoy our surroundings? I'm not talking about driving down the street and noting a beautiful sunset or cool-looking moon.

I'd like to say that I'll start doing that more often but I probably won't. There's TV to watch, video games to play and NBA playoffs. But that's okay. Because last night for ten minutes I was 8 years old again--sitting on a blanket with friends and just looking at the moon.


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