Diary of a Sane Man

Thursday, June 02, 2005

My baby girl is sick

Hera Posted by Hello

This has been one hell of a week. My Labor Day weekend went by so quickly and was full of so many chores that it feels like a vague memory. Ugh.

Anyway.... my baby girl Hera has not been eating at all. I took her to the vet on Tuesday. They gave her fluids and drew blood to run tests.

When I brought her home from the vet, Duke (my male cat) flipped out. He could smell the other cats and the antiseptic on her. So he started hissing and baring his fangs and attacking her.

This of course stressed me out even more. I felt so bad for Hera because she didn't do anything wrong, and she's sick.

The next day, I waited until 2 before calling the vet. He said that feline HIV was negative and a bunch of other diseases were negative. He hadn't gotten the feline leukemia tests back though. He was concerned it could be that because Hera's left pupil was very constricted compared to the right one. Her "third eyelid" was partially covering the left eye also.

He finally called back around 5 to tell me she tested negative for feline leukemia (an always fatal disease). Thank God.

Today, she started drinking water again and ate a little bit of food-not much though. I force fed her some high caloric food the vet game me. I had to use a syringe but she ate it. Hopefully this will jump start her appetite. If not, the vet said he can give her a shot of cortisone to stimulate her appetite.

So.... everyone say prayers for my baby girl. I love her a lot.


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