Diary of a Sane Man

Friday, June 10, 2005

I've got the music in me

Originally uploaded by veryapeaz.
Yesterday was Buddy's (my boss) birthday. He and a bunch of friends went to Oregano's for dinner and then Plazma for drinks. Due to tennis and a house appraisal, I was unable to make it to Oregano's.

I played tennis against a newbie in the league. I won 6-0, 6-1. I felt kind of bad because it was his first time in the league and he was a bit overwhelmed. But feelings of guilt quickly left me, because I'm such a jackass and always have to win.

After tennis, I picked up George and headed north to Plazma. It was karaoke night hosted by a former boyfriend. After exchanging pleasantries with Mr. Karaoke, George and I grabbed a beer and parked our asses at one of the party tables.

The next thing I know Mr. Karaoke announces that the next song was going to be Somewhere Over the Rainbow sung by Ted Rybka. Of course, I laughed until I looked up at the screen and saw my name was actually up there. When I refused to leave the table, he said, "Come on everyone. Let's get Ted to sing." Of course, everyone in the bar started clapping and cheering me on. I disappointed them all by remaining firmly in place.

Ten minutes later, Buddy and Co. still hadn't arrived. So, Mr. Karaoke decided to read some of my articles from the latest edition of Echo. He then said, "Oh. You missed a hyphen here. Where did I steer you wrong?"

George looked at me and said, "Wow. You really fucked him up."

For the record I didn't. I just broke up with him because I found out that he wasn't out to his parents... who he lived with.... and he was 36 years old. I was well within my rights.

Anyway... Buddy and company finally arrived. Buddy sang a great rendition of Love Shack with Penny (or Peggy?). Richard sweetly serenaded me. It was a fun night!


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