Diary of a Sane Man

Monday, March 06, 2006

Worldwide Suicide

I'm not exactly sure where the time goes. It seems like before I know it, a week has passed. It'd be nice if time would slow down just a little bit.

I promised some pix of the Vegas trip. To the right is Joey at Paris. I love this picture because it almost feels like we're in France. Here's Joe and me on top of the Stratosphere right before we got on that damned ride. Look at the fear in my eyes. Here's Joe and my sister Sue - they hit it off pretty well. Both are smart-asses. Here's Joe and I with my cousin Janine after a HUGE breakfast. Here's my dad with Joe. Dad really liked Joe, which was cool. Dad liked him, despite the fact that Joe broke my dad's glasses and knocked over a 7-foot tall lamp in my dad's hotel room. These are the fountains in front of the Bellagio. I loved watching them.

I wasn't too keen on going back to my normal life after the fun of Las Vegas. SJ helped ease the pain by picking me up at the airport, taking me to his place and cooking some delicious Jambalaya (it was Mardi Gras). He threw some beads at me, which was sweet. It made me feel like less of a whore when it came to taking off my clothes.

The next day was normal rugby practice. We did a lot of running but no contact or tackling of any kind. After I got home, I noticed my back starting to stiffen. Within an hour's time I was completely bent over. I could not walk straight.

The next day was no better so I went to my doctor/chiropractor. I couldn't sit for more than 15 minutes. He gave me flexeril and vicodin and told me to rest it. Just stay on my back for a couple of days. If it didn't get better, see him again.

It did get better, thankfully. This happens to me every once in awhile. It's a pain in the ass. It usually happens if I don't lift for awhile (which I hadn't). So a combination of not lifting weights and sleeping on soft hotel beds did me in. It still hurts but at least I can walk now.

Saturday, SJ and I went to Jen's (read her blog if you need a good laugh at being a young parent) house for dinner. It was very good and I had a great time, despite losing at Trivial Pursuit and Spades. I was on drugs at the time, so I'm using that as my excuse (to losing, not having a great time). I was really out of it. I kept getting paranoid because I was sure they were on to me. I felt like there was a 30 second delay between things they said and my response. I was laughing two jokes back.


OK. How psyched am I right now? Pearl Jam just announced they are releasing their new album this May. The first single off the record is available as a FREE download (for a couple of days only, I think). The MP3 has no digital rights management attached to it. So people can legally e-mail it to friends and play it on any kind of audio device. That's why I love this band so much. They're just cool motherfuckers. Anyway, the single is called Worldwide Suicide and despite the killer beat, it's a sad subject--it's about the state of the world right now. And that's not a happy subject.

If you like it, download it for free here: Posted by Picasa


  • Great Vegas pics! You guys really do make a cute couple. I LOVE Las Vegas regardless of what most folks say. I spent 3 nights in a suite in the Bellagio on the 31st floor over looking the fountains. You can tune your Tv to the music for it. I swear I almost never left that room. We had a room service dinner and moved the table right by the windows over-looking the fountains. I highly recommend it.

    Now you HAVE to expound on the breaking Dad's glasses and knocking over a 7' lamp! Did it all happen at the same time? Please say it did! Oh Sloppy J, how sloppy indeed.

    Sorry about your back, now you have a taste of my day to day life for the past few months. I must be getting used the these meds I really don't get that screwed up anymore. But I remember when I first took them, it was almost a little scary. Take care of the back and don't let feeling good fool ya, be careful okay?

    By Blogger AZJay, At Mon Mar 06, 11:58:00 PM MST  

  • Great pics Ted! You guys do make such a cute couple. Don't ever buzz your head again, I'm speechless.

    Thanks for the PJ clip :)

    By Blogger The Persian, At Tue Mar 07, 07:09:00 AM MST  

  • Great pics and I think you look better with more hair on your head! The buzzed head look has been around for almost 15 years....everyone has it....it's good to be different and it looks good on ya....as far as Pearl Jam....I'm determined to get the streaming audio to work!

    By Blogger The_Gay_Dude, At Tue Mar 07, 08:39:00 AM MST  

  • Jay, sadly they happened just moments apart. The poor man had to jump out of his seat to catch the lamp while I sat there wondering why they, Ted and Mr. Rybka, had these very intense looks on their faces. I thought, "What? Should I stay on 13?"
    Then our first hug...I broke his glasses.
    The remainder of the trip he would ensure everything on his person was safe before coming in my proximity.
    Kids in the future- "Hey remember the time Dad destroyed Grandpa's room and broke him?"

    By Blogger Actions and Consequences, At Tue Mar 07, 09:46:00 AM MST  

  • sounds like you all had fun!!! And can I say it (in a definitely complimentary tone)... Joe looks like Clark Kent, without the glasses (so you know what that means).

    Either way... there is NO WAY you would get me on that ride, I am terrified of heights, I don't blame you there!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At Tue Mar 07, 02:11:00 PM MST  

  • Awesome pics. I now want to go to L.V. with a significant other! I'll wind up in the clinker for running through the fountain, I bet. Admittedly, I won't have any meds to blame, however.

    By Blogger Kiddo78, At Tue Mar 07, 02:58:00 PM MST  

  • man looks like ya'll have had a blast. We're talking about our trip, not sure where yet, but we may go to Hawaii, Mike was stationed there for two years and wants to show me Hawaii. I've never been.

    By Blogger DEREK, At Wed Mar 08, 08:20:00 PM MST  

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