Diary of a Sane Man

Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm Sirius About My Radio

I received a Sirius radio for Christmas. I love it!

There are a boatload of radio stations of every possible genre. My favorite is Octane. It plays hard rock - Tool, Breaking Benjamin, System of a Down, etc. There are no commercials, only DJs.

The beauty of this station (and many others on Sirius) is that they don't play only the top 40 rock songs. They play popular rocks songs AND, they play B-sides too. So I've discovered a bunch of new songs and artists this way. It's great because it displays who the artist is and the song title.

Octane isn't the only rock station. There are NINETEEN stations dedicated to the rock genre. One of my favorites is Hair Nation. It plays all the great hair bands of the 80s - Poison, Skid Row, Bon Jovi, etc.

Sometimes for fun I listen to the all-70s station or the all-80s if I'm feeling nostalgic. And if I don't want to listen to music there are over a dozen news stations - I can listen to CNN, CNN Headline News television broadcasts on the radio!

What's even cooler is the Old Time Radio broadcasts. It's a station that plays all of the old Jack Benny, Twilight Zone, The Shadow, etc!

Plus, it has all of the NBA games!

The radio has a built in recorder. So if someone calls me on my cell in the middle of a favorite song, I can just play it again. Honestly, I've only used this once but it was cool nonetheless. It also let's me store up to 16 favorite artists or songs. If a specific artists/song plays on any of the gazillion stations, it beeps and lets me know who is playing. I can ignore it or press the button to hear a group.

Remember the first time you got cable and you kept changing the channel just because you could? That's how I was at first. But I've settled on a few favorites and am in absolute heaven! I don't know how you poor slobs handle regular radio with all of their crappy commercials and stale playlists!

I know this sounds like a stupid commercial for Sirius, but it's a great product and I've been wanting to write about it for some time.

This past weekend Octane had a 90s weekend. It was AWESOME. I never wanted to leave my car. Of course, they played Plowed by Sponge. This was a great song and it's on the Empire Records soundtrack - a great 90s movie (despite having Renee Zellweger in it).


  • You can drive than indefinitely.

    By Blogger Actions and Consequences, At Tue Feb 13, 05:40:00 AM MST  

  • Wow, welcome to the wonderful world of satellite. I got Sirius several months ago and it's pretty much standard, can't do without it equipment now. What a great gift!!

    I've also been a closet Howard Stern fan for a long time. I know I know, I turn it off when they start spaking women with fish but he's a great interviewer and you've never cried to hard laughing listening to George Takai on the show.

    By Blogger AZJay, At Tue Feb 13, 08:02:00 PM MST  

  • Happy Valentine's Day, I read Jimmi's blog, you know I always had a thing for Green Lantern, now I'm picturing you in those spandex, and Joey in his Superman suit! Ya'll have a great night!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At Wed Feb 14, 07:56:00 PM MST  

  • I keep making a point of picking up a Sirius system after we pitched in and bought one for my step-dad two years ago. I can't some of those incredible "theme" channels.


    By Blogger The Persian, At Fri Feb 23, 04:33:00 AM MST  

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