Diary of a Sane Man

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Originally uploaded by veryapeaz.
... an ongoing saga.

OK. There are so many reasons for my hatred to this stupid operating system. Hear my rant:

I went online at 2:45 to watch Pearl Jam's live Web cast from the David Letterman show. They taped a song for the show. Immediately after they were going to perform a 45 minute set for the audience, to be broadcast over the Internet.

Guess what? I can't watch the fucking thing because I've got a stupid Mac at work. I tried three different browsers (unlike my PC at home, I need three browsers to view Web sites and that STILL doesn't guarantee I'll be able to view a page). Safari and Internet Explorer just showed an empty box where the video should have been. Firefox told me a script couldn't run. So, I'm praying some fan is capturing the video on his PC and uploading it for me to see later this week.

So, I figured this would be a good time to watch the "Get a Mac" ad. Coach Phill sent me the link in a previous comment. I read about the ads and thought it would probably cheer me up. I needed a laugh--CUZ I'M PISSED I MISSED PJ!

Well, guess what... I can't watch the Get a Mac, on a fucking Mac computer. I went on Apple's site, but it gave me an error. My version of QuickTime can't run the ads. The error message said that the QuickTime server didn't have the necessary file to display the commercial properly.

So, I went to download a newer version of QuickTime. As I tried to install it, the computer gave me another error message. Apparently, I need Mac OS X 10.3.9 to run the newer version of QuickTime and I only have 10.2.8.

Does anyone else see the irony here????? I can't view an ad on why I should own a Mac on a fucking Mac computer (granted, they're targetted towards a PC owner but still...).

From what I read about the ads (cuz I can't view them until I get home and watch it on my WINDOWS XP computer) it tells you to get a Mac because there are less viruses. Well no shit sherlock. If I'm a virus writer, I want to fuck up as many people as possible. Considering that less than 5% of computer owners use the Mac OS, I'm going to write a virus for a Windows machine. Why bother screwing up the lives of thousands when I can fuck over billions of people? Macs aren't built more secure--give a hacker time and he'll find any hole he wants--they're just less likely to be attacked.

Mac's operating system pisses me off so much. Every year, Mac comes out with a newer version of an operating system. It costs $130 or so to upgrade each time. So every year, it wants me to pay $130 to use my computer. If I don't pay, then I might not be able to run certain programs (and the programs cost four times the amount you'd pay on a Windows machine--if they have it. Often, there are no Windows equivalent programs on a Mac).

At least Microsoft waits a couple of years to come out with a new operating system. And in between major updates, it gives free updates and tweaks. And most Windows operating systems are backward compatible. So that older programs and equipment generally (not always) will work.

I get tired of hearing about how ELEGANT the operating system is and how beautiful Apple's computers are. Here's my eMac at work. How fucking elegant is this? It's a big box. It's a big white piece of shit that can't display a Pearl Jam Web cast or a fucking commercial telling me to buy a Mac.

The other day I installed a newer version of Firefox. I double-clicked the file and it brought up this funky hieroglyphic. I dragged the icon onto my dock. It worked fine. Great! The next day--Firefox wasn't there. I double-clicked the file again and looked closely at the hieroglyphic. I guess I was supposed to DRAG the icon to the Applications folder. How intuitive is that?

When I load a program in Windows, it does everything for me. I click Next. Next. Next, etc.. It does everything for me and I don't have to understand hieroglyphics for programs to load and be where they are supposed to be.

Now as I end this I don't want you to think I'm some Microsoft fanboy. I'm not. But there is a HUGE reason why Apple controls less than 5% of the computing market. It's an overpriced piece of shit.

I just took a deep breath. I feel a little better. Not much but a little.


  • Ted,
    You shouldn't be watching Peral Jam videos via your work computer while at work.
    - Buddy E.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At Thu May 04, 04:47:00 PM MST  

  • Oy Vey!

    I have used Mac maybe once in my life. I haven't looked back since.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At Thu May 04, 05:12:00 PM MST  

  • OK...well...I could go into all the reasons why you're wrong, but I won't. Simply put, there are advantages and disadvantages to both Operating Systems. Mac OS version 9 to Mac OS version 10.4 is the same thing from going from Windows 95 to Windows XP. Either case you'd have identical problems in both worlds. I can think of many times on my Windows PC at work where I can't run older Win 95 software and vice versa.
    So as frustrated as you are with the Mac....any Mac user will tell you the exact same thing about a Windows Machine. It all comes down to preference and individual reasons why you prefer such systems.
    Of course now that Macs can run Windows, you may prefer a Mac so you can have best of both worlds...but I digress.
    God love ya for loving Windows. I won't hold it against you ;)

    By Blogger Ed, At Thu May 04, 05:16:00 PM MST  

  • But have you tried watching PJ videos with AOL's new HIGH SPEED INTERNET?

    By Blogger Actions and Consequences, At Thu May 04, 05:26:00 PM MST  

  • People who have macs are die-hard enthusiasts for apple computers.....my first computer was an apple....and apple IIC....circa 1984.....way before the net.....and I loved the thing....but I've always believed in sticking with what is most accessible....hence microsoft....ed has a point about the fact that macs can now run windows.....but I just think Mac is still too esoterical to make any bit of a difference.....anyways.....sorry u missed PJ.....ya shoulda emailed me.....I wouldn't uploaded it for ya.....specially since i'm nothing more than a drug-induced maniac right now LOL.....boy....u sure are on a blogging binge this week!!!! good to see the posts from ya!

    By Blogger The_Gay_Dude, At Thu May 04, 07:19:00 PM MST  

  • ooopss.....I would have uploaded it for ya....not wouldn't....see it's those drugs!!!!!

    By Blogger The_Gay_Dude, At Thu May 04, 07:20:00 PM MST  

  • Ted...sorry bud for all the fustration!

    Oh...by the way:


    Imagine that...PJ LOVES MACS...hmmm!


    Oh and BTW - if you can't follow that link and get it to work... run 'Software Update' - for free - (Under the Apple) once in awhile, ok? hehe!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At Thu May 04, 08:18:00 PM MST  

  • sounds like you need computer help at work........

    hmmmm, I wonder who does that sort of thing........

    hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm : )

    By Blogger potusol, At Thu May 04, 09:16:00 PM MST  

  • Okay Ted, I have two macs and love them to death. It really saddens me that you are having such a negative experience with them. Right now I'm experiencing some minor frustrations because I switched to an intel mac. I know that by next month the other software producer lagging will have it fixed. I have never had any internet viewing problems or the like. Everything has run faster and easier, So I don't know what model you have or the background I just think it's sad that you have to deal with frustration and it shouldn't be there. Okay that aside KUDOS for dumping verison I had a worse time with them. In fact those crooked punks sold cheap batteries and stuck name brands on them and sold them to customers I had my phone blow up in flames as welll as my Mom's cause they were faulty. Jerks. So we both have tmobile now YaY which means I can talk to you for free :-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At Fri May 05, 03:06:00 AM MST  

  • ok francis, settle down!



    By Anonymous Anonymous, At Fri May 05, 11:16:00 AM MST  

  • Wow you are the first Mac user in my life that doesn't swear up and down how wonderful they are and how much I am missing out.

    I can't view clips from work either, but mostly because the admin has everything blocked, the bastard!


    By Blogger The Persian, At Fri May 05, 01:52:00 PM MST  

  • Now, why don't you tell us how you *really* feel about Macs?! Ha. Yeah, I had to use Macs at my college job and they were always freezing up/crashing. The only way I'd have one is if I were a graphic artist or something...Hope your frustrations get cured! In the meantime, go have a drink. Or ten.

    By Blogger Kiddo78, At Fri May 05, 02:36:00 PM MST  

  • "It's a big white piece of shit that can't display a Pearl Jam Web cast or a fucking commercial telling me to buy a Mac."

    ROFLMAO - Holy fucking Christ Ted, thanks for that HUGE much-needed laugh. I'm still laughing....

    By Blogger AZJay, At Sun May 07, 04:17:00 PM MST  

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