Diary of a Sane Man

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Another (Wo)Man's Treasure

We had our rummage sale Saturday morning. But let me backtrack first.

Phill (Storm coach) and John (player/president of the board) went to Hawaii last week. They said that while they were gone, Joe and I could have the place for a little retreat. They told me this about two months ago.

So, I was looking forward to this weekend as a great opportunity to celebrate Joe's birthday (it's Apr. 25th). But then it became the weekend of the rummage sale/beer bust. I was really stressed because as a member of the board, I'm obligated to help out. But as a person in love, I want my bf to be happy.

To top it off, I was going to have to meet with Buddy and some of the writers at Echo for a meeting Saturday afternoon as well. Fortunately, that got cancelled. So, I told Joe that we'd only have to go for the rummage sale and skip the beer bust part.

Both were a success. I think we raised close to $600! Tony H. did a great job organizing everything. The best part is my car is finally mine again; everyone's stuff is sold. I don't look so ghetto anymore.

Back to the incredible weekend. John and Phill live in North Scottsdale, about 3 miles south of Cave Creek. The air is crisp and clean up there. And it's desolate. So we were able to sit outside at night and look at all of the stars. There are also a lot birds that chatter and bunny rabbits bouncing around. We even saw a coyote on the side of the road.

J and P also have a hot tub and pool. So I took a little nap outside on Saturday after the sale, while Joe surfed the Web. Saturday night we headed into Cave Creek for some Mexican. Sunday I got up, made coffee and read the paper outside while SJ slept. It was really peaceful.

Unfortunately, our little weekend in paradise had to come to an end. I brought my camera to document the weekend and forgot to take pix. Here are some I took w/ my phone. The rummage sale pix are overexposed because it was so bright.
John (with beer in hand at 8:30 AM!) and Tony
Joe barely fitting into a boy's size 14 shirt from the sale
Joe heating up leftover pasta
Joe and I in the kitchen Posted by Picasa


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