Diary of a Sane Man

Monday, April 17, 2006

In the Evening

Last week I had a really long post for Tunesday. But Picasa ate it during transmission. I was so distraught/tired, I decided not to rewrite it or do anything.

But I'm back.

A couple of week's back, Derek posted his six favorite or most memorable records. I wanted to do that too. But I'm going to break it into the next six Tunesdsays.

But before I get to that I wanted to say what a great Easter I had. SJ and I headed up to John and Phill's house. They had the rugby crew over and some of their coworkers and friends.

Here are some pix.

So back to my first record. In Through the Out Door was Led Zeppelin's last proper album. They released one more called Coda, but it was a bunch of tracks pulled together after John Bonham's death. I LOVE this record so much but it makes me sad at the same time. It's vastly different than their other stuff and gives a hint of a new direction. Unfortunately, that new direction was never realized.

There are only seven songs on the record but they're all radically different from one another. Zeppelin had always been steered towards the blues side of rock. But here they use a lot of strings, some country flavor, heavy synth and even delve into pop. And every song is excellent.

This record was released when I was eight years old, but it was one of my favorites. The record had a plain brown sleeve and the cardboard part that held the record slid out to reveal a picture of a man in a bar. I used to stare at it while listening to the record, wondering why that guy in the nice suit was in such a grungy bar.

In the Evening is a really cool song. Robert Plant's vocals are almost muted which is strange because he's got one of the most powerful rock voices. But I love the chugging guitars that string you along throughout the song.

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  • Heh, great album. Our band used to play the song "All of My Love" from that album. Great strings keyboard song and the trumpet solo is easy and fun.

    And you guys look so friggin' cute together, damn! Sorry I bailed on the Locker Room deali-o. Phillip and I played tennis tonight. Ooops, I just realized I let the cat out of the bag and I think it's time you know, I have been seeing another tennis partner on the side.

    By Blogger AZJay, At Tue Apr 18, 12:37:00 AM MST  

  • breaking it up over Tunesday posts is a great idea. I never was a big Zeppelin fan, but after hearing that review I seriously want to hit msn music and get the album.

    Great tune :)

    By Blogger The Persian, At Wed Apr 19, 05:41:00 PM MST  

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