Diary of a Sane Man

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Thank God I'm left handed

Originally uploaded by veryapeaz.
I went to the doctor's office today to hear the results of my MRI. Apparently, there are five different things wrong with my right wrist.

There's a tear at the tendon that runs between the bones in the wrist/arm area. One of the bones in my wrist is surrounded by an INTENSE CONTUSION (according to the MRI report, signed by Pamela Lund, M.D.), so they don't know what's wrong there -- it requires other pictures to see through the contusion.

There's some other stuff, but I don't understand what's written and I wasn't paying attention to the doctor because very hot physical therapist was "observing."

So, I'm gonna try physical therapy for a month to see if that works. If not, then I'll have to have surgery--which is a bummer.

The good news is: I can still bowl, lift and play rugby. I just have to tape everything up real well before I do.

Although I bowl right handed and play tennis right handed, I'm predominately left handed. This means that I can still maintain my active love life. Whew!


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