Diary of a Sane Man

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Sometimes it's hard to be me (pun intended)

Jason Adonis Posted by Hello

In addition to my job as Assistant Editor at Echo Magazine (I wrote that because my sister Cathy has no clue what Echo is or why I sent her a link to do our reader survey but I digress), I also proofread our sister publication XFactor. For the uninitiated, XFactor is a magazine about gay porn. It has DVD reviews, a sex column, features about the porn industry or sex or health and other things.

Considering that I haven't had sex IN MONTHS this can be problematic. I'm okay when it comes to the alternative medicine columns, but damn those DVD reviews are hard to proof! I get so caught up in the descriptions, that I forget to check for punctuation and misspellings and verb/subject agreement, etc.

Now, that's my reaction the first time I proof the pages. By the time it's ready to go to press, I have to read the entire magazine again cover to cover. It's not so much fun then. In fact, it's kind of a drag and exhausting. I mean, you can only read so much porn in one sitting.

Anyway... this guy was on the cover last month and I'm sad to see him go. His name (appropriately) is Jason Adonis. I'm sure he's an asshole. At least, that's what I tell myself when I see someone that drop dead gorgeous--they're assholes or they're too immature for relationships or whatever I can think of to needlessly downgrade them in my mind.


  • sweety... a few things:
    1.those porn reviews are kinda ridiclous, sometimes it seems like they´re trying to ivent new forms to describe qwhat we all know very well and, in that effort, they finnd very funny lines like: "hittig from the back like an armed raptor chasing its victim" and stuff like that...

    1. don´t do that with handsome guys.. I would never say you are an asshole...

    3. if his name is JASON ADONIS..c´mon! do ya need to call yourself like that? we all can see your abs sweety!
    so... he IS an asshole.

    4. I saw your picture... How can such a geourgeous man spend months without sex??? come to BA and we´ll find a way to fix that problem!!

    hugs from BA ARGENTINA
    ian-firs time visit

    By Blogger Ian Gutierrez, At Mon Jun 27, 03:40:00 AM MST  

  • Ted, It's not fair to automatically assume that guys like us (I mean other hot guys and me, not you andme) assholes.
    We (the other hot guys and me, not you and me) work really hard to have these killer bods *got a bandaid? 'Cuz I am CUT!*

    It's harder than you think for guys like me. Cut us some slack.

    Thanks in advance,
    (not an asshole.)

    By Blogger From My Lips to Your Ears, At Mon Jun 27, 11:30:00 AM MST  

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